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Demonstrating impact is central to ensuring the long-term sustainability of a research infrastructure.


Building on existing impact assessment frameworks (e.g. developed by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD, or by the European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures - ESFRI) focused on research infrastructures, Ana Portugal Melo (Deputy Head of Node, ELIXIR PT), Christine Stansberg (Node Coordinator, ELIXIR NO), and Francesca de Leo (CNR, ELIXIR IT), are working to adapt and refine these approaches based on the needs and specificities of the Italian, Norwegian and Portuguese Nodes of ELIXIR.


This effort is carried out with continuous sharing among team members and in close collaboration with the ELIXIR Impact Assessment Officer (Corinne Martin, External Relations Officer, ELIXIR). In addition, there are opportunities to collect contributions from other ELIXIR Nodes, namely during workshops, direct requests for feedback, short surveys and/or semi-structured interviews. Synergies with relevant ELIXIR activities will be sought, e.g. the impact work taking place under the Training Platform, the ongoing RI-PATHS project, and the upcoming ELIXIR-CONVERGE project.


This joint adventure ambitions to contribute to capacitate national ELIXIR Nodes to assess and communicate the impact of their activities.



For more information, contact us.